Rolling Bread

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This is a simple recipe to make Rolling Bread, everyone can make this at home. It’s a common bread sold in Sicily that is soft inside and crustry outside thanks to the blend of flours with durum.


80% Bread Flour (type 0 or 00 with at least 12g proteins)
20% Fine Semolina Flour (semola rimacinata)
60% Hydration
0.7% Dry Yeast or 1.5% Fresh Yeast
2% Salt
3% Olive Oil
A lot of LOVE

Dough balls 150g
Trays with baking paper


800g Bread Flour (type 0 or 00 with at least 12g proteins)
200g Fine Semolina Flour (semola rimacinata)
600g Hydration
7g Dry Yeast or 15g Fresh Yeast
20g Salt
30g Olive Oil
A lot of LOVE


  • Mixing / Kneading
  • Puntata until it double in size
  • Staglio
  • Preshaping
  • Shaping
  • Appretto until it double in size

Cook in preheated convenction oven at 240 ℃ for 10 minutes with steam then 10 minutes without steam and eventually some extra minutes with the door of the oven a bit opened using a wooden spoon until it reaches the colour desired.
When ready remove from the tray and put in cooling rack.

2 thoughts on “Rolling Bread”

  • Semolina is used as continental dough, dry yeast should be used at 1/3 of dry yeast not half

    • Hi Andrew, than you for your comment. Somolina in this recipe is used in a 20% to have a product more rustic, if you don’t like it you can use 100% bread flour. Abou the yeast it depends on the type of yeast you use, according to my experiments 1/3 proportion does not grow with the same speed so I’ve created a better proportion and a dedicated calculator.
      I’m not the only professional that suggests this but you are free to use less yeast if you prefer. I have only a video in Italian that shows comparison and test results:
      Of course you can use less yeast and increase the time or work with temperature and humidity to speedup or slowdown the time.

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